Alex in the Media

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

04/Mar/2024, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (Waterloo, Canada)

I spoke about our work Privacy-preserving machine learning with tensor networks (arXiv) and new ideas along this line of research.

Ateneo Escurialense

23/Nov/2023, Ateneo Escurialense, San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Spain)

I gave an outreach talk (in Spanish) at Ateneo Escurialense in San Lorenzo de el Escorial, on the basics of quantum mechanics, focusing on pseudoscientific ideas based on quantum concepts.

ICMAT's reading group on causality in machine learning

24/Feb/2023, ICMAT-CSIC, Madrid

I spoke about the efforts from the quantum information community in understanding causal inference in the classical and quantum realms.


03/Dec/2022, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, LA

A video-abstract of our work, Physics solutions for machine learning privacy leaks (arXiv), presented in the Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences workshop at NeurIPS 2022.


27/Sep/2022, online

I spoke about our work, Physics solutions for machine learning privacy leaks (arXiv), in the PhD and Young Scientist Quantum Technologies network of the Spanish Network of Quantum Information and Quantum Technologies.

La Razón

I was interviewed regarding the impact of quantum computing in the next decade. The result can be found here (in Spanish).

BBC News Mundo

I was interviewed regarding the quantum race between China and the United States. The result can be found here (in Spanish). Part of that interview was also employed in another article (in Spanish) by BBC News Mundo about quantum computational advantage.

IBM Qiskit Camp

26/Feb/2019, IBM Thomas J. Watson Center, Yorktown Heights, NY

I spoke about our work, Bayesian deep learning on a quantum computer (arXiv, journal), which had been runner-up in the IBM-Q Best Paper Awards.

Gizmodo en Español

I was asked by journalist Vanesa Pérez to try to explain quantum computing in simple terms. The result can be found here (in Spanish).

RQI-North 2016

22/Jun/2016, Institute for Quantum Computing, Waterloo

As a contribution to the RQI-North 2016 conference, I spoke about our works on entanglement harvesting from the quantum vacuum. I outlined results we had obtained in harvesting from the vacuum of both scalar (arXiv, journal) and electromagnetic (arXiv, journal) quantum fields.